The Art(ly) Wildly Holiday 

The Art(ly) Wildly Holiday 

15th of August. 

August, 15.

We’ve officially reach the “let’s talk about it in September” zone. That has happened so fast, I see Summer has already come to its end event though I know someone ehi has not even left for holidays yet. 

This summer word would be speechless, I rest all my senses trying to focus on being as light as possible with my thoughts, my ToDo lists, workouts and mentally dangerous people. 

Trying to escape Milano chaotic (but so lovable) routine around Europe I understood none can get rid of Italians,milanesi in particular are everywhere, even in natural reserves, adventure parks and savage beaches. 

I may not have found my soulmate yet (not looking for it btw) but I met monkeys the in a Natural Reserve and they may be better acquaintances though. 

Monkeys told me the vacay trend this summer is (or, actually, was) the wild experience, a kind of escaping from reality holiday but of course without giving up to cities benefits since milanesi in particular are so difficult to please.

This lust for wildlife comes necessarily from lack of it in our city (Milano don’t worry we won’t bargain your overpriced streets for nothing in the world in any case) - Parco Sempione ducks don’t count as wild animals, nope. 

Once left the town milanesi look for a kind of freedom wildlife but would discover very soon themselves as unable to rest their intellectual inner sense. 

That means this crowd of citizens would ask for a corner of comfort zone, they will find attraction and leisure that can satisfie their critic needs. 

As milanesi don’t quit the gym while on holidays, they don’t quit intellectual activity as well. Not just for pleasing milanesi taste, but we can pretend so, European cities have plenty of possibilities in this framework: Centre Pompidou, the great contemporary art museum based in Paris, has a branch in Malaga since 2015 for instance and the same happens for the Louvre which has its second home in Abu Dhabi since 2017.

Those second homes are build for mainly two reasons: huge heritage of the head office and the idea of expand the possibility of enjoying artworks. 

A great amount of funds is of course an assumption for building such places but as we know foreign institutions have an established and well defined program in that. We’re speaking about a huge investment that can turn into a disaster and a supernova at the same time.

Pretty sure there are plenty of other grounds to take into consideration when organizing a vacation, my suggestion would be to give ourselves time to rest, to remind our souls we’re not only workaholics robot and to see, live and feel art everywhere as art is in every inch of this world, be it a branch of a museum or a street artist in Sorrento. 

In any case, September is almost here and the city has already a full schedule agenda of venues, fairs, events, shows and more and we can’t wait to sing along in our chaotic, financially based and apparently heartless city in few weeks.