Vernissag-ing as hell
Milano, my friends, looks like a stove right now, guess hell is something alike.

Jumping - Burning into vacation is unbelievable but finally true. Escaping from fire I step on a 5 hours train with no air conditioning - so funny I know - but this time lets me think about a vernissage I went to last weekend.
Vernissages should be an opening or presentation of emerging artists during which those who matter are asked to express their ideas on something they actually are not informed about.
The relevance of these events follows two different paths: the instant and the afterwards. First of all one must analyse guests and mostly party crashers since, as for every successful party, it’s by the crashers' quality that comes a memorable event.
That's why my favourite passtime at vernissage is watching and analysing the dynamics established between artists, commentators, curators and those who are passing through.
Milan Vernissage with friends.

Milan, Vernissage with friends: appointment set at 9 pm, no one however arrives before 9:30 pm. And those who arrive at 9:30 p.m. wait at least until 10 p.m. for "the others." In that radical chic place, precious but not too much. You sip bubbles - but maximum two glasses because fashion now wants you radically healthy. The chatter but not the gossip, interest focused on the absentees. Absent not for a specific reason but "I love I can't make it free." However never worse than "eh no I love I didn't ask him because sure there was no room for two more." The venue: reserved by friends for friends. The dance to 2000s music. The two sides of the lieu: the ins and the outs. But still all friends. “Do you remember that time at the Volt?” “ Tonight we're going to the Temple”. Tonight: 11:40 p.m. I’m ordering another bottle. Honey for me is some water. Two Zero Cokes as well.
Check the list, she's not on it. Discussion on the Government , then vacation in Ibiza. Tomorrow's appointment at Coppola's to get these split ends off. As a true Generali employee I stamp at 2 pm so I have time for lunch. I'll stop by Virgin though maybe. I'm leaving for the weekend: two days off in Capri. How long have you been there? What are you busy with? I got you this gift which is nothing serious , just a Seletti lamp. I already have a heart. First-person plural, us. I hear the buzz of music in the background. A polaroid for 5 euros, immediately transferred to digital. Milan, Vernissage with Friends you won’t speak a word about art.

So, let’s be a little more comprehensive and admit it’s almost August, everyone deserves a break since Milano pushes us to do something any second of our daytime. Let’s say Milano owes us a vacation and, last but not least, let’s be sincere and say we won’t really take it that easy as we’ e already scheduled vernissages, museum visits and cultural trips for our holidays.
Ragazzi we’re addicted to “do” anything, we’re unable to rest properly and, if anyone is, well he’s not as Milanese as he thought.